Hi All - We need your help

We have an opportunity to give our views on National Grid's Business Plan to Ofgem (Call for Evidence on the Electricity Transmission, Gas Transmission and Gas Distribution Business Plans for RIIO-3). Ofgem will be assessing NG's promises in its Business Plan.

A few of us have already started pulling together a response - draft can be found here:

We have sought to set out our (residents of Little Bromley) experience of NG's community engagement/NG consultations and the deficiencies we have found as against NG promises/stated actions.

NG's Business Plan can be found here: https://www.riiot3.nationalgrid.com/document/30069/download

The Call for Evidence document is here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/.../RIIO-3_Call_for_Evidence.pdf

Deadline for submission is 10 February so if you have any further thoughts or evidence then please let us know.

The response will be on behalf of POWER.

Thank you!



   New website!! It is our hope that this website will promote our fight, inform people as to what is being proposed, and provide resources to help the readers oppose the needless destruction of countryside and wildlife habitats.
Iain Lyons Iain Lyons

It is our hope that this website will promote our fight, inform people as to what is being proposed, and provide resources to help the readers oppose the needless destruction of countryside and wildlife habitats.

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It was a great turnout for the POWER Group photo today at the War Memorial. People came from all the local villages to show their support. We will be writing to all the national and local papers to get our case heard to a wider audience.

The Campaign Group have been contacted by The Essex County Standard who are interested in covering our story and have asked us to supply photos.  We will be meeting at the War Memorial at
11 am on Tuesday 16th and we would like as many people as possible to come down for a group photo. If you could spare 10 mins it would be much appreciated.